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The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 will be among us February 4th

It's been a long time not coming, but The Wolf Among Us' second episode finally has a release date: February 4th.

It's been a long time not coming, but The Wolf Among Us' second episode finally has a release date: February 4th. That's around four months since the first part hit last October. Four months . Why the delay? I put that question to King Joffrey, star of Telltale's upcoming Game of Thrones series, and now I don't have a head. I can still somehow type, however, so scroll down to see the news in tweet form.

Here's Telltale announcing the release date, with PC and Mac players once again getting the episode a whole day earlier:

#TheWolfAmongUs Ep 2 2/4 - PC/Mac, @PlayStation NA 2/5 - @Xbox 360, @PlayStationEU Also next week on iOS @AppStore ! pic.twitter.com/tLBlEE6kZQ January 31, 2014

We posted the Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors trailer the other day, which would have been a good time for Telltale to reveal the release date as well, I would have thought. Oh well. Here's the trailer again, in case you missed it.

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