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Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin screenshots show Conquistador riding Wyvern

Whatever you liked or disliked about Dragon Age 2, it's painfully obvious that there weren't enough Conquistadors riding Wyverns.

Dragon Age 2 Mark of the Assassin WYVERN

Whatever you liked or disliked about Dragon Age 2, it's painfully obvious that there weren't enough Conquistadors riding Wyverns. That is a problem that the next slice of DLC, Mark of the Assassin, hopes to correct. See the monster below, along with two other screenshots showing Hawke dramatically throwing a knife into a man's chest from easy stabbing distance, and a dim fortress exterior.

In Mark of the Assassin, you team up with a feisty elf played by Felicia Day, and must hunt down a mysterious gem housed within that dim fortress, which happens to be protected by Orlesian Chevliers, some of which seem to be riding monsters. See the Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassintrailer for an overview. It's due out next Tuesday October 11.

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