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Verdun to feature truce ceasefire events this Christmas

In keeping with its efforts to offer an authentic WW1 trench warfare simulator, Verdun studios M2H and Blackmill Games will host special truce Christmas events in-game this month.

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in-game this month. This is in keeping with the historical truce between French, German and British troops during Christmas 1914, where soldiers downed weapons in order to share Christmas carols and, reportedly, play some friendly matches of football.

You'll still be able to engage in bloody military warfare, but the truce scenarios will play out between matches from December 18 until Christmas day. During the scenarios players can play football or engage in jovial snowball warfare.

The events will be complimented with a series of competitions, detailed below.

19 December; a YouTube Christmas Truce video contest for the best video about this event 20 December; a Steam Hub screenshot competition for the best in-game Christmas Truce screenshot 21 December; a Twitch TV giveaway for the Verdun streamers 22 December; a Twitter competition for the best WW1 Christmas carol text twittered @VerdunGame 23 December; a Facebook Christmas Card contest for the most entertaining Verdun best wishes card
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