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Grand Theft Auto 4 mod requires 1.21 gigawatts for fully functional Back to the Future DeLorean

Just when it seems the mod scene for Grand Theft Auto 4 lets off the gas from implausibly gorgeous visual upgradesand gravity-mocking hijinks, it surges back with an amazingly dedicated homage to Back to the Future's time-traveling DeLorean.

Crafted by YouTuber"seedyrom34," the mod mixes a custom cocktail ("There is no single download link," seedy states) of heavily altered files, sounds, and tweaks cobbled together to form the onslaught of awesome in the video below. Sure, other DeLorean modsexisted long before this one, but seedy's extra dose of functionality and polish -- particularly with the spot-on fire trails and inventive randomization of street traffic and time-of-day after hitting that 88mph sweet spot -- definitely presents an exciting future for Grand Theft Auto 4 and 5's skilled mod community.

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