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Get Ready For Our Game Club On Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Last month, in the final installment of our GI Game Club covering Final Fantasy VII , we announced that our next game to dissect and discuss would be Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

, we announced that our next game to dissect and discuss would be Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. With the game's release today amidst a glowing reaction from critics, here's the latest info on how you can participate.

On The Game Informer Showpodcast airing May 26th, a group of Game Informer editors will be going in-depth on Uncharted 4: A Thief's End up through chapter 10. This is roughly half-way through the game and will be our stopping point until the next discussion. We will not spoil anything beyond the tenth chapter in that first discussion. The point of the GI Game Club is to play games alongside the community, so we strongly encourage people to play up until that point as well and send in questions, thoughts, or discussion topics to podcast@gameinformer.combefore May 25th.

To get the ball rolling on some discussion points, feel free to write in to podcast@gameinformer.comon the following topics...

- How well does the beginning of the game re-establish who these characters are? Does Uncharted 4 depend on knowledge from previous entries?

- In the first ten chapters, how much does the game change/add to your impression or your previous knowledge of returning characters?

- Do the dialogue decisions add anything of value?

- How much do you enjoy the gameplay of Uncharted 4 versus the writing?

- What are the little touches in this game's design/animation/writing that separate Naughty Dog from other developers?

- How do you think the production of The Last of Us has influenced Uncharted 4: A Thief's End?

- What is the best moment from the first ten chapters of the game?

We can't wait to dive into Nathan Drake's latest adventure with you all, so please subscribe to The Game Informer Showand join in on the discussion. Happy treasure hunting!

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