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Indie Intermission – ‘Caesar’s Day Off’ Lions Are A Rulers Best Friend

It’s Monday again, the inevitable day that no one is ever happy to see.

It’s Monday again, the inevitable day that no one is ever happy to see. It’s the start of yet another week and with the week comes work and the daily grind. So I thought it was necessary to find a game that will pick up your Monday and I am quite happy with the result.

Today I bring you Caesar’s Day Off which was entered into the Indie Speed Run jam over on The Escapist . Caesar’s Day Off was created by The Fab Heeb G Bees and has made it into the final ten being selected as a people’s choice for the competition.

Although not really a game in the usual sense and maybe falling more into the lines of an interactive story Caesar’s Day off is full of humour from start to finish and in this wonderfully drawn game there is little not to love.

In Caesar’s Day off you take control of Caesar (although the exact Caesar is relatively ambiguous but I assume Julius Caesar) and must go around passing a whole variety of judgements on everything. In true Roman style you pass everything with either a thumbs up or down – that’s right, it was not a system created by TiVo.

The scenarios range greatly from the (awful) forth Indiana Jones movie to the super market. However the single greatest thing is how the developers manage to bring lions into every situation, and create some truly innovative uses.

Average play time – 2 minutes

Caesar’s Day Off really shows some innovative use of lions and that alone is one reason to love it. A very fun little game that is full of humour from start to finish and well worth a play through.

If you want a little break and a chuckle be sure to play Caesar’s Day Off . You can play it on the Indie Speed Run site now.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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