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Intern at the Creature Battle Lab, Bring Mad Creations to Life

Internships usually sound like boring work for little money, but getting one at the Creature Battle Lab sounds like the best one ever.

sounds like the best one ever. Instead of making photocopies and arranging files, your job at Professor Helix’s DNA lab is to mix and match creature parts until you fashion the ultimate, most powerful one.

The Splice-o-matic 3000 lets you fully customize the little monster, from every limb up to hair color. By dragging and pulling you can shape up what starts as a gooey globe into the exact shape you desire. Shark fins are totally in if you want.Visual customization fans should get their fingers full with this mobile game, but skills are also part of the creation kit. There will be over 100 unique ones to learn and to apply. The monsters then battle it out in arenas in real-time combat under leagues.

In a first of a series of video development diaries, team member Phill Page offers a detailed walkthrough for the creature creation part:

Dojo Arcade, the developer, will keep Creature Battle Lab completely free — with no ads. Currently the game is in early Alpha, but as development pipes up, there will be more posts on their blog alongside development diary videos. The developers are working on iPhone and iPad versions. Check in on theirand look to IGM for lab reports from the game.

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