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It’s Quite Simply A Matter of Murder

Ah, elegant dinner parties, the stables of high society.

A Matter of Murder screen

Ah, elegant dinner parties, the stables of high society. Filled with good food, drinks, so-so company and a bit of gossip. However, such an event isn’t complete without a bit of murder. It’s true one cannot simply hold such an event and expect it to be the talk of the town without an untimely demise. Developer Worthing & Moncrieff is inviting players to such an event in their rogue-like point-and-click puzzle game A Matter of Murder .

A guest at a Victorian English house party has been found dead, a victim of a cold-blooded murder. It is up to the player to find out who is responsible for this dastardly deed. Players will question guests, and search for clues all around the rather elegant manor. The game features procedurally generated content allowing players a unique experience for each play-through. This also includes randomly implemented plot-altering elements that can change the course of the entire story. Plus a wide range of increasingly difficult puzzles to solve.

A Matter of Murder is set to release April 18 for Windows PC, Mac, and mobile. The game will be priced at $2.99 (USD). To learn more about the game visit the official website, “like” on Facebook, and follow on Twitter. To learn more about the developer Worthing & Moncrieff, visit their website.

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