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Steam Autumn Sale continues: Total War, LA Noire, VVVVVV, Fallout: New Vegas super cheap

What's this, every Total War title except Shogun and Shogun 2, with all accompanying DLC for just £8.74 / $12.49?

Total War totally on sale

except Shogun and Shogun 2, with all accompanying DLC for just £8.74 / $12.49? What are you doing to us, Steam sale? I was planning to eat, and perhaps sleep this weekend but NO, you have to throw hundreds of hours of world class strategy gaming at me for a price that my buying finger can't not click on.

Wait, there's more? Gravity mangling platformer VVVVVV, for just 99p / $1.24? That's less than I paid for my cup of coffee this morning. The slick shouting-at-people-until-they-crack simulator LA Noire, which has only been out for two minutes, is half price. And Fallout: New Vegasand all its DLC packs are available at prices that make the upcoming Ultimate Editionseem a little redundant.

Also on sale today:

The deals will change around again in six hours time, so keep an eye on the Steam front page. The Autumn sale will wrap up on Sunday, giving us some time to play everything we've bought before the big Christmas sale kicks off.

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