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Hands-On: ‘Dog Agility 3D’ – Dog Lovers Rejoice

Dog Agility 3D , developed by Dog Sport Apps , is a new game based on the internationally popular sport of dog agility.

, is a new game based on the internationally popular sport of dog agility. If you’re unfamiliar with dog agility, it is a dog sport in which a handler directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race for both time and accuracy.

In Dog Agility 3D you’ll be able to choose from 10 different dog breeds where you will then use the tilt functionality on your iOS or Android device to guide your dog through four different types of agility fields, and three different levels of difficulty in pursuit of qualifying runs and agility titles. What’s shocking is the fact that there are 340 courses overall, more than I can fathom.

I had the opportunity to go hands on with Agility Dogs and I found that each dog had their own stats based on Speed, Turning Ability, and Control. For instance, the beagle has the highest level of control, which I must say is pretty accurate as my real beagle cuts corners pretty well. The dogs can be upgraded further by completing the standard, jumper, snooker, and gambler courses through each of the three levels. Or if you’d like you can buy points via in-app purchases.

To pick up Dog Agility 3D visit Google Playor the App Storetoday. There’s lots of content packed in which makes it a good choice for dog lovers. Be sure to check out the embedded trailer and gallery below for a closer look at Dog Agility 3D . To keep up with Dog Sport Apps follow them on Twitterand Facebook.

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