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Introversion's new game is Prison Architect

Recently Introversion's Chris Delay announced that their emergent bank heist sim, Subversion was on hold , and that an entirely new project was in development for submission to this year's Independent Games Festival.

Prison Architect

, and that an entirely new project was in development for submission to this year's Independent Games Festival. They've just sent word that their next game will be called Prison Architect. As the title suggests, it's a game in which you “build and manage a maximum security prison.” The first screenshot, of sorts, is above. There's no more information just yet, but from the first image alone, it looks as though it has a different vibe to Introversion's traditional neon blue universes.

When Chris wrote about Introversion's new game in the IV blog, he said "I could see most of the core game design straight away. I could see how much of the tech that we'd designed for Subversion was directly applicable, if properly turned on its head." So instead of breaking into a high security building, we're stopping others from breaking out. Intriguing. We can't wait to see more.

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