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IGM Mobile Game Of The Month – February

February’s new release quality was impressively high, to the point that although our choice for game of the month is slightly obvious, in truth it could have been one of many titles that impressed in a number of different ways.

February’s new release quality was impressively high, to the point that although our choice for game of the month is slightly obvious, in truth it could have been one of many titles that impressed in a number of different ways. But there can be only one, and it is:

Year Walk (iOS) by Simogo

The impact that Year Walk may have on the portable landscape could be far reaching. Its stunning artwork and eery atmosphere are like nothing else on the platform, or any other system right now. This is a must play, not only for gamers looking for something new but for those who truly believe that video games can be considered works of art. This, folks, is exactly what they’re talking about.

Honourable Mentions: Major Magnet (iOS) by PagodaWest , Penumbear (iOS) by Taco Graveyard

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