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Here, have 20 minutes of Mafia 3 footage

Mafia 3 had me at that excellent 'story trailer' a few weeks back , but now 20 minutes of footage have appeared to remind me that, yes, I want to play this game.

, but now 20 minutes of footage have appeared to remind me that, yes, I want to play this game. I'm not that interested in the open world activities or combat, but 1960s Fake New Orleans is a place I very much want to explore.

Following on from last night's E3 trailer, IGN has 20 minutes of footage showing off a bit of everything, while era-authentic music blares incessantly over the top. It's great music, but it does get a bit wearying and incongruous after a while, so you might want to hit mute a few minutes in.

Mafia 3 is out October 7.

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