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Tropico 5 pre-orders now available for swag-filled physical, discounted digital versions

You know that a publisher has faith in its game when it starts offering special editions with silly bonuses.

You know that a publisher has faith in its game when it starts offering special editions with silly bonuses. You may think of the Tropico games as a niche PC series, but this recently announced Tropico 5Limited Special Edition argues otherwise. It's not quite as silly as, for example, Wolfenstein: The New Order Panzerhund Editionthat includes everything but the actual game, but it tries.

If you pre-order a physical copy of The Tropico 5 Limited Special Edition you'll get a “snazzy” avatar costume for your El Presidente. Kalypso neglected to mention any further details about it, so for now we'll have to let our imaginations run wild with the “snazzy” adjective. The actually substantive addition here is another map for the game's sandbox mode called Bayo del Olfato (“Bay of Smell?” “The Smelly Bay?”). Finally, it wouldn't be a special edition without some physical swag, so it also includes an authentic Tropico passport.

If you're going digital, you can pre-purchase the game from Steamwith a 10 percent discount, which will also get you the Businessman avatar custom and the Isla de Vapor sandbox map.

If getting the best deal right now is all you care about, you can get Tropico 5 from the Kalypso Launcherfor a 15 percent discount, but keep in mind it won't have any Steamworks features. All of the versions will be available on the game's release date, May 23.

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