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Glory In The Afternoon is Mysteriously Short and Very Spooky

If you’ve ever wondered what it was like to be initiated into an occult, then Glory In The Afternoon may be just the game for you.

Glory In The Afternoon is a short, room escape game, described as “slightly irrational” by the developer who simply goes by Vid.

The game begins with a black screen. You’ll hear shuffling and a door slam behind you. When you come to, you find yourself in a very small, dark room, illuminated only by the dim night sky peeking through the window blinds. You’re not told what to do, or what the controls are, but around the barely visible room are objects and clues that may be what you need to get out.


Glory In The Afternoon comes off like an experimental art piece, and is open to a great deal of interpretation. The visuals are dark and eerie, only using black and the color orange to represent the setting sun. Objects that can be interacted with have a helpful glow around them, though it’s extremely vague how those objects can be used.


The developer is deliberately not saying much about the game, and insists on letting it speak for itself. So if the mysterious premise and spooky atmosphere of Glory In The Afternoon have you intrigued, the game can purchased for $2.99 here. It is accessible for Mac, PC, and Linux.

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