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Mansion Lord passes the final stretch on Kickstarter

Murder-mystery business sim Mansion Lord has scraped past the final hurdle of their Kickstarter crowd-sourcing drive, finishing at $30,788 of their $28,000 goal.

has scraped past the final hurdle of their Kickstarter crowd-sourcing drive, finishing at $30,788 of their $28,000 goal. At 110% funded, that means developer Golgom Games is able to add full achievement support to the game but has fallen short of of being reaching stretch goals to include an expanded storyline, PvP, a version of the game on Sony’s Playstation Vita, and other targets.

Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean those extras won’t appear in the future – other games have fallen short of their stretch goals in the past but still managed to obtain further funding, whether through outside investment or carrying on donations through their own site and other places; famously, Double Fine even returned to Kickstarter after deciding that the record-breaking $3.3 million originally raised for Double Fine Adventure (now known as Broken Age ) wasn’t enough to finish the game, something which caused controversy at the time.

We previously covered Mansion Lord when it was Greenlit on Steam. It certainly looks like it could be a great title and it has some interesting ideas about its game mechanics. With a successful Kickstarter funding drive now beneath its belt, Golgom Games should now be able to complete development on the title – something which many will be pleased about, not least the developer itself.

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