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IGM Freebies Giveaway! (January 24, 2014)

As we mentioned at the start of the week, going forward we’ll be mixing up how we do our IGM Freebies contest.

As we mentioned at the start of the week, going forward we’ll be mixing up how we do our IGM Freebies contest. Whereas the previous focus of our giveaways was directed mainly at our wonderful Twitter followers, this new setup is designed to give all of our followers across every social network a fair shot at winning some digital downloads of great indie games. Here’s how things will work from here on out:

Before the contest, we’ll remind everyone to be on the lookout for a new post on IGM with the weekly trivia question. As soon as the contest is published, we’ll share the link simultaneously across all our social networks. To play, participants must comment on the article with their responses following the correct guidelines. Those guidelines are as follows –

1) Participants must “Leave a Reply” at the bottom of the trivia post by logging into the social network of their choice (Twitter, Facebook, or Google+) and submitting their comment.

2) Responses must be tagged #IGMFreebies to be eligible, regardless of which social network participants respond through. Example:

Trivia question- Where is the best place to find the latest indie game news and reviews?

Trivia response – Indie Game Magazine of course! #IGMFreebies

This week, we’re giving away some codes for Hollow Dissent , courtesy of our friends at Dark Space Games!

All right, that’s it for the rules, now let’s get on with the contest! This week’s IGM Freebies Trivia Question is :

Which upcoming mobile game started out as the winner of the 2012 “Flash in a Flash” Unity competition?

(Hint: The answer can be found on the main page of our sister site, IGM Mobile!)

Good luck to all our participants! Winners will receive a direct message from us shortly with a download code for this week’s giveaway. Thanks for playing! Tune in next week for another round of IGM Freebies. Same bat-time (roughly!), Same bat-channel (definitely!).

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