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Indie Intermission Sunday Round Up: Who Let The Sloths Out

Hello and welcome to the end of the week and sadly the weekend.

Hello and welcome to the end of the week and sadly the weekend. I hope you have all had a good week and an even better weekend so far I just hope to make it a little better by adding my round-up for the week.

As always clicking the title will take you back to my original article whilst clicking the image will take you to the game, enjoy and have a great Sunday.

Dodge Em strips back a lot of the mechanics found in the usual bullet hell or shoot em up games and just gives you the option to weave in and out of the asteroids. It is a rather challenging game from start to your inevitable death but it makes for quite the fun score attack game.

Extreme Sloth Cycling is a zany game that combines a lot of seemingly unconnected elements and throws them together in this unique game. Extreme Sloth Cycling is a crossover of infinite runners and platforming genres into this interesting arcade mix.

Hunter Willie is an interesting arcade style side scroller that has you taking down all manner of monsters in this spooky dungeon. Hunter Willie has a lot of interesting ideas although it sadly lacks depth in its current state only throwing you against a very small selection of enemies with just one weapon, but its fun whilst it lasts.

Zenzizenzic although still in a very early stage of its development offers a very fun bullet hell style of shooter with a distinctly geometric style and a clean minimalistic setting. Like any good bullet hell it starts out next to impossible and only gets more difficult as time goes on making for one nightmarish game.

I Can’t See Shit is a platformer which decides to turn out the lights and forces you to judge you movement via a form of echolocation. It is a great novel idea that I have seen in the odd game here and there but it works rather well here adding a nice twist on the conventional platforming game.

Well that about does it for this week, I hope you have enjoyed playing some (if not all) of the games I have come across this week as they all offer something just a little different but generate a great respite from everyday work. I hope to see you back again tomorrow for an all new Indie Intermission .

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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