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Saturday Spotlight: Alien Shooter (GameTop)

Saturday Spotlight is a promotional series that offers publishers and game hosting sites the opportunity to have one of their games mentioned in a news post on Indie Game Magazine.

is a promotional series that offers publishers and game hosting sites the opportunity to have one of their games mentioned in a news post on Indie Game Magazine. Each post is sponsored by the publisher mentioned in the headline and as part of the article’s outro.

Military complexes are often the backdrop for shooting games. Weird experiments, mad scientists, nuclear bombs, some of the most dangerous and bizarre threats to ever plague humanity all seem to originate within the confines of large, eerily lonesome military complexes. Alien Shooter isn’t one to break tradition, and so the game’s protagonist is given a simple objective: Enter the compound and eliminate the threat.

That threat takes the form of an alien invasion. Under mysterious circumstances, aliens breach the complex and begin slaughtering its occupants. The protagonist is given the task of stocking up on weapons and ammo before taking the fight to the aliens. Alien Shooter features a variety of gun types, plus bio-mechanical implants that give the protagonist super human abilities, found in different sections of the complex.

is free to download (the game requires 20MB of free space to install), and is available exclusively for Windows PC.

GameTop is a sponsor of Indie Game Magazine. According to their official statement, “ Gametop.comoffers high quality games for Windows and Mac users. The games are offered free, without in-game ads or malware. 100% trusted and safe.” Any publisher or game hosting site interested in inquiring about booking a slot on Saturday Spotlight should send an email to vparisi@indiegamemag.com

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