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Kung Fu Kid Legends Kickstarts the Destruction of an Empire

As part of IGM’s Crowdfunding Initiative , we partner with developers to help promote their indie projects via crowdfunding sites such as Indiegogo and Kickstarter.

, we partner with developers to help promote their indie projects via crowdfunding sites such as Indiegogo and Kickstarter. The latest in our series of sponsored efforts is Kung Fu Kid Legends , by developer Neo3 Studio. An action-adventure game that draws from classics such as Kung Fu Master , an arcade game from the 80s, and hopes to become a classic, in turn. Using a shadow puppet theater style, and a subtle, simple fighting mechanic, Kung Fu Kid Legends tells the story of a child bound by honor to rescue his family from an evil emperor.

Bamboo forest level design

Li Wai Hua is the name of that boy; his parents were taken by Emperor Showari due to the content of their puppet theater shows. Showari’s army destroyed the puppet theater, kidnapped those responsible, and left Li Wai Hua for dead among his fellow villagers. Through patience and discipline, the boy grew into a man, and learned the art of Kung Fu to avenge his family and rescue them from the corrupt ruler. Shaolin Kung Fu is the focus, with players facing different samurai at the end of each level to learn the 5 animal variations of the martial art. Use your skills, don’t get overwhelmed by the enemies, and restore your family’s honor once and for all.

A unique art style accompanies the story

Kung Fu Kid Legends , which launched on Kickstarter today, is seeking $20,000 CAD (or $16,684 USD). It will be launched for Windows PC, Mac, and OUYA, with stretch goals to try to achieve release on other platforms. As with other Crowdfunding Initiatives, at certain tiers folks will be able to receive single issues or even subscriptions to The Indie Game Magazine . At the $20 or $45 tier, you receive the latest digital issue of the Mag (along with all of the other rewards, of course). At $65 and $75, you receive a 1-year digital subscription to Indie Game Magazine , as well. With pledge tiers ranging from $1 to $2500 (executive producer status), there’s plenty to receive in return for supporting Neo3’s project!

Check out the campaign here, and follow Neo3 Studios on Twitterto keep up with the latest news on this and other projects.

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