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Warhammer 40k MMO trailer and screens

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only a trailer, containing the very first moving images of Vigil's upcoming Warhammer 40k MMO, Dark Millennium.

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In the grim darkness of the far future there is only a trailer, containing the very first moving images of Vigil's upcoming Warhammer 40k MMO, Dark Millennium. Here in the present, there's some really nice high-res screenshots too.

It's easy to be distracted by the colosssal stompy robots and the gratuitous violence, but in the midst of the action we also catch glimpses of a daemon of Nurgle, some Khorne beserkers, Imperial Guard soldiers, Orcs and the ever indomitable Space Marines. There's some footage of the UI, too, showing a fairly standard MMO layout, with a taskbar full of skills at the bottom.

There seems to be plenty of evidence for squad-based gameplay as well, with groups of Space Marines taking on a Chaos Deadnought and a charging army of Chaos Space Marines. We'll be interviewing the lead developers later today, so we'll let you know more about the game then. For now, more surprisingly lovely shots.

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