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2012 Action Game Of The Year Awards

As is usually the case, many of the year's biggest titles were first-person shooters.

As is usually the case, many of the year's biggest titles were first-person shooters. Despite this, 2012 also saw the release of several fantastic games that fit more snugly under the action umbrella. Read on to discover Game Informer's picks for our favorite action experiences of the year.

Best Story: Dishonored

Dishonored begins with a bang, with the protagonist being framed for the assassination of an empress and tossed into prison. Stepping into the shoes of the nimble Corvo Attano, gamers were tasked with taking out several high-ranking officials of Dunwall with the help of an underground resistance group. It's a classic revenge story, and each kill on your way to those responsible had an impact on the player and Corvo's quest for justice.

Best Graphics: Journey

In a year filled with the ultra-realistic visual style of Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Assassin's Creed III, and Far Cry 3, it's a breath of fresh air to see Journey's gorgeous world. Its sand-filled world may be sparsely populated, but every inch of it is vivid and beautiful. If you've played the game, you no doubt remember the breathtaking visual of the sun reflecting off the sand as you slide down a massive hill.

Best Multiplayer: Assassin's Creed III

Ever since multiplayer was introduced to the series in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, fans have loved the ability to sneak up on unsuspecting opponents. With Ubisoft's newest blockbuster, a new cooperative Wolfpack mode was introduced, as well as the team-based Domination mode. Third-person action games aren't usually the source of many great multiplayer experiences, but the Assassin's Creed series has bucked the trend once again.

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