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Indie Intermission Sunday Round Up: Madness In The Mundane

This week has seen a selection of rather interesting games, from the creepy adventuring in caves to the mundane life of a boarder control worker this week has had quite the selection of game.

This week has seen a selection of rather interesting games, from the creepy adventuring in caves to the mundane life of a boarder control worker this week has had quite the selection of game. As always clicking the title will take you to my original article whilst clicking the image will take you to the game.

Although the use of light to convey mood in game is nothing new when done correctly it can really elevate a game greatly. Towards The Light adds a great deal of suspense and fear in the depths of this very unsettling cave even in its length.

Being the internet you expect one or 20 different tower defense games so finding one that adds a little extra really is quite a feat. Demonrift TD adds an extra layer of strategic gameplay as you must manage resources gathered over the missions to further help your course.

Papers, Please is a grim look into the mundane work of a boarder control worker in which you must process applicants day in day out to make enough money to support your family. Although still in development Papers, Please really is a game that is made great by the mundane nature of the work and the overall situation.

This is no ordinary platformer as And Everything Started To Fall will have you climbing through your life in just a few minutes. And Everything Started To Fall is a beautifully minamlistic platfomer that has you moving through life only to end in your demise.

Cow Clicker is a cynical look at the casual game industry and does so fantastically. Cow Clicker distills down all the basics found in many casual games and attempts to put them out in the open for all to see.

I hope you have all enjoyed the selection of games I have brought you over the week and will return tomorrow when I bring you an all new game. Have a great Sunday and see you tomorrow.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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