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Indie Intermission – ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’ A Beautifully Recreated Spectrum Game

Sometimes the classic arcade platformers are the best, and with all the new technology in gaming these days sometimes we miss out on some of the older models that are just great fun.

Sometimes the classic arcade platformers are the best, and with all the new technology in gaming these days sometimes we miss out on some of the older models that are just great fun. Today’s game Endless Forms Most Beautiful (EFMB) is a PC remake of the classic ZX Spectrum game of the same name.

EFMB is a rather great looking game from RGCD, Locomalito and David Hughes . EFMB follows the much more old school arcade gameplay in having just one screen which you must complete before moving onto the next.

The game is rather basic although it does add in some great power-ups and bombs to spice up the standard gameplay just a little. All these little additions may not be massive but adding them really does help a lot in creating a very interesting and fun game.

The audio and visuals in EFMB are just great encapsulating what is great about these retro games. The vibrant pixel art really is a standout part that helps to create a rather great gaming experience overall.

Average play time – 20 minutes

EFMB is a fantastic looking game that offers a very fun and engaging retro experience that has taken a lot of influences from days gone by (partly due to it being a remake of a classic). EFMB works fantastically and offers nothing but the classic arcade platforming experience, an experience I feel we have missed  lately. Endless Forms Most Beautiful can be downloaded from the RGCD site.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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