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A Mega Man movie is being made

Have you ever said to yourself, "Do you know what I need to really make my life complete?

Mega Man

Have you ever said to yourself, "Do you know what I need to really make my life complete? A Mega Manmovie!" If you have, then you will be pleased to peaches to hear that, according to The Tracking Board, one is actually being made.

Mega Man's been around for quite awhile now, having debuted in 1987 on the NES. Nine sequels and numerous spin-offs have followed over the years, including a few PC releases. Most recently, he appeared in the Mega Man Legacy Collection, a "faithful reproduction" of the first six Mega Man games that hit Steamlast week. He's been on television, in comics, and even the subject of a novel, but he's never starred in a feature film—until now.

The Mega Man movie is being developed by 20th Century Fox and Chernin Entertainment, with Peter Chernin, whose previous credits include Planet of the Apes (Rise Of, Dawn Of, and War Of), Oblivion, The Heat, and Exodus: Gods and Kings, producing. There's no indication whether it will be an animated or live-action flick, although, without any evidence whatsoever, I'd put my money on the latter. That's all we've got to go on right now, but we'll keep you posted.

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