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Button Brigade’ Review — Never See Buttons The Same Way Again

‘Button Brigade’ Review — Never See Buttons The Same Way Again
Posted by Sarah Bishop
Button Brigade made its debut on the iOS yesterday, and changed the course of history for buttons in gaming.

made its debut on the iOS yesterday, and changed the course of history for buttons in gaming. No longer are they merely the interface that you must go through to reach into and manipulate your game world. No, now the buttons are i n the game world, and they seem to quite enjoy being there.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Button Brigade ! You are a worm. A robot worm. A robot worm on a mission: to escape the factory where you were built. This is where your merry band of “semi-sentient” buttons comes in: each one has a special ability that you can use to aid you in your escape. You must solve puzzles and battle through other robot worms (as well as the occasional boss) on your quest for freedom. In case you missed it in our original article, here’s the updated official gameplay trailer:

Gameplay is pleasantly simple, and the game walks you through a painless tutorial narrated by your very own info button. After that you’re set loose to tackle the many obstacles of the factory in which you were created. It will take a mixture of brain power and twitch response to get through the rooms. The frustration is kept down by a mixture of amusing sound effects and catchy music that I wouldn’t mind having on my iPod. The light tone is added to by the simple but clear and concise graphics. The whole thing comes together nicely to create a fun atmosphere in which to immerse yourself as you attempt to click, choose, dodge, and explode your way to victory.

The game also has a simple story, which was interesting and amusing. It’s not very in-depth or intricate, but I think it fits the game nicely. What really needs to be said about a robot worm that possesses buttons in order to escape?

Button Brigade also has an excellent amount of replayability. Once you complete the game, you can go back to old rooms and do speed runs of them, which can get pretty intense. Your other option is to restart the game from the beginning, with a key difference — the enemies are significantly faster and smarter. But that’s where one of my few reluctant complaints about the game comes in: you must choose one or the other. Once you have chosen to replay on a harder difficulty, the speed trials go away. There are three save slots possible, so if you beat the game twice you can have both options available at the same time. But it would be nice to be able to reach the speed trials from the main menu once you unlock them.

My only other minor complaint is the menu button. It is placed unobtrusively in the corner of the screen, but I ended up pushing it several times on accident anyway. This is certainly not a major problem on any scale, and perhaps it’s just me.

Button Brigade is an incredibly fun and challenging game that will last you a long time. It’s a universal app, which means that it can be played on iPod Touches, iPads, and iPhones. You can look on Button Brigade’s official websitefor more information on the game, or check it out on its iTunes page. At $0.99, it’s a spectacular game that I highly recommend.

[review pros=”Simple, easy-to-use controls, fun gameplay, humorous, catchy music, replayability, and clear graphics” cons=”You are forced to choose between a higher difficulty and speed trials, the menu button can get pushed on accident” score=”90″]

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