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Become a Part of the Adorable Fantastic Witch Collective Today!

I love RPGs, but for some reason it’s the diversions I seem to like best.

I love RPGs, but for some reason it’s the diversions I seem to like best. Not the combat sidequests, but the odd things like Triple Triad in Final Fantasy VIII or the cooking game in Suikoden II . Those kinds of things always made those worlds feel so much more real and fun. Fantastic Witch Collective is looking to do much more than just throw a fun minigame into a combat-oriented RPG, though; it is looking to create a world where the diversions are what the game is about. Also, one of your default commands in the game is ‘Kiss’. How cute is that? Would I have kissed the Dragonlord in Dragon Quest if I’d thought it would have fixed things ? Maybe I would have. Maybe I would.

Want to take up gardening or cooking? The game has options for that. Maybe you’d like to bone up on those fantastic witch skills you’ve been using. Why not go back to school? Want to go fishing to break up the constant magical dueling? Go for it. Even if you want to get involved in local city politics in the game, you have the option to go to the mayor and try to get things done right. The game is striving to do a whole lot, really opening itself up to however the player would like to explore and interact with its world. Developer Lulu Blue, in her own words, wants to create a world that is “ …charming, accessible, and queer-friendly, one that reaches out to tell stories connected to everyday life experiences and uses its mechanics to further connect that story.

Fantastic Witch Collective needs some help if it’s going to accomplish all of its goals. Having this much interactivity with the game world means a lot of code, and Lulu Blue could use some funding to keep her mind on the game instead of her bills. A preorder of the game helps, and also grants access to monthly demos that will show how the game is coming along and some of how it works. If cute, fun witch stories sound like they’re worth your money, then you’re in luck. Help Lulu Blue out and she’ll have you covered!

For more information on Fantastic Witch Collective, you can look at Lulu Blue’s site, her Patreon, the game’s itch.io page, or follow her on Twitter.

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