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Fragger Review

What exactly is Fragger?

What exactly is Fragger? Fragger for the iPhone is based off the original flash version of Fragger. In this game you use grenades to blow up your enemies. Using some luck, skill, and basic physics knowledge, you try to knock the enemies out-of-bounds or just blow them up with your grenades. This game has enhanced graphics over the original flash game, and you can throw multiple grenades at once.

Controls are simple and game is easy to learn. Those with difficulty can quickly check back on the in-game tutorial. There are tons and tons of levels and this game is really hard to get old. This game could take hours and hours of just playing the new levels. Also, updates bring in new levels once in a while.

Why is this game likable? This game has many simplistic features that make this game fun and addicting. The objective is always the same and there is no confusion. The replay value of this game is amazing, you can play any levels you’ve played before and still have fun trying to get a better score.

Music in this game is lame and isn’t necessary. I find it better to listen to my own music rather than the in-game music. Graphic wise, this game is solid and simple. This game does crash occasionally, but it’s not a real problem to be concerned about.

There is a store to purchase unlimited grenades, a detonator (both unlockable by progressing in the game), more solutions or hints. Nothing is required to buy to beat the game. Also, the prices are extremely high for something unlockable just by playing the game. There are leaderboards for daily, weekly, and monthly to keep track of who’s the boss. Achievements also increase the replayablity of this game.

Overall this game is fun and great for kids, but you might want to listen to your own music.

Reviewed Device: iPod Touch 3G

[review pros=”Abundant levels, great achievements, points shop” cons=”Store prices are too expensive” score=90]

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