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Delver’s Drop’ – New Site, New Trailer, New Ways To Support

‘Delver’s Drop’ – New Site, New Trailer, New Ways To Support
With the indie game scene soaring, it is increasingly difficult for developers to get their game to stand out and be remembered by players throughout the game’s development.

With the indie game scene soaring, it is increasingly difficult for developers to get their game to stand out and be remembered by players throughout the game’s development. Luckily for Pixelscopic , their game, Delver’s Drop will have no trouble being remembered. It simply looks too good to forget. Clearly influenced by games such as The Legend of Zelda and The Binding of Issac , Delver’s Drop brings its own cake to the party in the flavor of beautiful visuals,  and a very tactical, albeit fun-looking, gameplay experience.

Delvers Drop

I have been looking forward to Delver’s Drop since it originally caught my eye, when I found it in the IGF listings last year.So I was thrilled to hear from Coby Utter, the CEO of Pixelscopic , about some exciting new developments for Delver’s Drop, after a rather lengthy amount of time with no big news.

“And two months later…” Coby opened the email. He explained that the team has been busy with contract work, and now has the time focus squarely on the development of Delver’s Drop . In their extra time, Pixelscopic setup a full website for the game, as well as a Steam Greenlight page. They have also put together a launch trailer to show off how the game looks in motion, which is, in short, quite exciting.

Apart from the official website, and a brand new trailer (seen below), the biggest news came in the form of a Kickstarter campaign announcement. I was happy to see that within a few days, the campaign has already pulled in over $17,000 with 466 backers at the time of this writing. With a set goal of $75,000… Pixelscopic is nearly 25% there, all within a few days. Clearly the community is as excited about the game as I am. Pixelscopic has done a great job with reward incentives too. For example, pledging just $15 gets the finished game, beta-testing access, the soundtrack, exclusive in-game items, a digital art book, and credit both on the website and in-game.

“Since launch, it’s been incredibly exciting for all of us at Pixelscopic ,” Pixelscopic says in their latest Kickstarter update. “We’ve put a lot of love into Delver’s Drop and are thrilled that so many people are interested in it. Thank you for all of your generosity, support, questions, and suggestions! Keep it all coming, we’re trying to respond to everyone and address all of the feedback we’re getting to make this campaign as transparent and beneficial to our backers as possible.”

Currently, Delver’s Drop is set to release for PC and Mac, with mobile versions coming sometime after. Linux users will have to wait a bit before they can get their hands on the game. “…we are a small team and are developing our own technology,” Pixelscopic says. “Right now, the engine only supports PC, Mac, and iOS; Android is close behind in terms of completion. Since we need to focus on finishing the game, it would not be possible for us to launch the Linux version day-and-date with the PC / Mac versions.”

Readers interested in supporting Delver’s Drop should head to the Kickstarter campaign pageand send their support; if funding financially is not an option, votes on Steam Greenlightcost nothing and help the game get accepted onto Steam faster. Visit Delver’s Drop’s official website, and follow the game on Twitter.

Expect to hear much more about Delver’s Drop , in the coming months.

Just today, Pixelscopic updated the rewards for a number of their Kickstarter reward tiers. Unfortunately, Kickstarter does not allow the re-editing of the sidebar descriptions, but all of the additions are listed in the latest developer update, on the Delver’s Drop Kickstarter page.

Delver's Drop

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