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Indie Intermission Sunday Round Up: Do You Have The Heart?

As another week passes us by and we slowly start to move away from short gloomy days into slightly longer gloomy days it can only mean one thing, that there is more daylight to game to.

As another week passes us by and we slowly start to move away from short gloomy days into slightly longer gloomy days it can only mean one thing, that there is more daylight to game to. This week follows quite a diverse bunch of games and I hope you enjoy what I have pulled out from the internet.

As always clicking the title will take you to the article whereas clicking the picture will take you to the game enjoy.

A very interesting infinite runner in which you must run through the desert collecting drugs. It’s kind of odd but it is also rather fun and what’s more is the graphics styling has been implemented rather well. Although some of the controls feel a bit like you’re skating on ice overall it is a nice time waster.

A very interesting title that forces you to rely upon hearing. You must follow the beating to get out of this otherwise troublesome maze and although some of the later levels fall short overall the concept is great and has a lot of potential.

For any fan of point and clicks this somewhat satirical title will definitely hit home for you. Explore this tunnel filled with all manner of intrigue from the mundane to the supernatural you never really quite know what to expect next. It’s a rather short game and has a lot of quirks making it very different to the norm.

A totally off the wall game in which you are tasked with racing hearts, yep that’s right, hearts. It’s very strange but also had this great pixel art style that has become so popular over the past couple of years. However it does require you round up some friends around your computer to partake in the racing due to it only have local multiplayer and no AI elements.

Yet another infinite runner but this time you must save animals from a burning forest. Although the game has only one input control overall the game plays very well and has a great deal of skill associated with it to master. If you are a fan of these style of games this is definitely one for you as you will find yourself constantly coming back to try to get just a little further.

That is the end of the weekly round up for this week. I hope you have had a great deal of fun playing any or all of the games above and hope that you will join me again tomorrow or next Sunday for more free online games!

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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