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Indie Intermission Sunday Round Up: Ludum Dare 25 Top 5

The Ludum Dare 25 has proven to be yet another great success, it has seen over 1,300 mini games created for the event.

has proven to be yet another great success, it has seen over 1,300 mini games created for the event. Each game taking the category in their own unique way. This top 5 list I feel does really show the breadth of entries highlighting the sheer variety from the competition.

Although I may not agree with every entry in the top 5 every game here is of great quality and deserves recognition. As always, click on the title to link back to my article or click the picture to go to the game.

A limited game, but a game that embodies a lot of the classic themes of the golden age of cinema. If you have ever wanted to grow a moustache and tie damsels to train tracks I feel this game will for fill all your needs and then some. Full of humour and nice pixel art it’s quite easy to see how this game managed to attract so much attention.

If you where a fan of the original top down GTA games then this game will be just up your street. Here you are expected to select your criminal and then kill off all of your targets, hopefully without attracting too much heat from the police.

We all know that feeling when you have muddled your way through a bullet hell level only to come head to head with the boss, always one of the most painful experiences. However here the boot is on the other foot as you play the boss in this game. It’s a novel concept and one that works well for the most part, even if the boss is a bit underwhelming.

A very fun and well put together strategic puzzle game that will have you scratching your head as you try to beat these pesky humans. Using your cunning you must try to prevent the humans from reaching their goal of the meat by placing a number of traps in the correct order. It’s a game that starts relatively easily and slowly ramps up over time creating a fun and accessible learning curve.

Well this is it the number one game. Atomic Creep Spawner finally gives you the chance to play as the dungeon master, you finally get the chance to spawn the creeps instead of kill them. It’s a great take on the classic genre and it does work very well, although rather limited considering it was made in 48 hours the game plays and feels great. If you enjoy dungeon crawlers then this is a breath of fresh air to the genre.

And so concludes the LD25, it has been a great jam and the theme has really allowed developers to come up with some new and innovative ideas. Of course there are plenty more jams coming this year and with the Escapist’s Speed Run competition ending soon expect to see more jam games over the coming weeks. Be sure to come back mid day tomorrow for more free games in a new week of game hunting.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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