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Real Cricket 2014 — Not an Insect Simulator

Just figured I’d clear that up right away, since we have such games as Goat Simulator making the rounds now.

Real Cricket 2014 is being made by Nautilus Mobile, a company known primarily for Song of Swords. In addition, one of the developers currently with the company is known for Ultimate Cricket 2011, which may explain in part why they have decided to create a slightly more modern Cricket game for mobile devices.

Real Cricket 2014 aims to launch Cricket straight into your pocket — and, by extension, into the palm of your hand — by recreating the Cricket experience in ways that other mobile adaptations of the game have not. Unfortunately, I know as much about Cricket as I do Brockian Ultra Cricket, so even had I played the game, I would not be able to give you a nuanced description of the game in comparison to a real match.

That said, I did do some research, and based on the reactions in the beta forum, the game is doing an admirable job of replicating one of India’s favorite pastimes. Should you happen to know more about Cricket than me, you can check out their Facebook page here, and track the game’s progress. For those of you who are already doing so, and simply want to know when it’s coming out, then don’t worry: According to Nautilus Mobile, they should be launching the game within a week or two, aiming for somewhere around the 15th or 17th of March.

Screenshot courtesy of McVindia.

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