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An Inside Look At Modernizing The Art Of Final Fantasy

With our trip to Square Enix in Tokyo for our extensive cover story on Final Fantasy XV , we were lucky enough to speak with several long-time developers that have worked on the beloved series.

, we were lucky enough to speak with several long-time developers that have worked on the beloved series. Yusuke Naora has been an artist on the team since Final Fantasy VI, going on to contribute background art for things like Midgarand the Northern Craterin Final Fantasy VII. Naora is one of three art directors on Final Fantasy XV, and one of his early tasks on the project was to update the look of the characters from their incarnation in Final Fantasy Versus XIII. We spoke with Naora about what it was like to be amongst the team developing classics like Final Fantasy VI and the three guiding themes for updating the characters in Final Fantasy XV.

Watch the video below to learn more about Yusuke Naora's work on the art of Final Fantasy.

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