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Twitch Plays Fallout 3 looks tough, but will probably be won

Twitch has beaten Pokemon and is currently making steady progress in (an albeit modified) Dark Souls , but can it collectively conquer Fallout 3?

Fallout 3 3

, but can it collectively conquer Fallout 3? My feeling is that it probably will. The Twitch hivemind appears to be capable of anything.

It's early days yet: the playthrough is currently fumbling through the opening vault as I write, with the gruelling task of character creation successfully completed. VATS will no doubt be a huge factor in the playthrough's success, as will careful avoidance of Deathclaws. It's definitely in its teething phase for the moment: trolls are having a field day, but if history repeats they'll quickly fall by the wayside.

You can watch the stream here. Good luck brave (and supernaturally patient) explorers.

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