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BaraBariBall Preview

BaraBariBall is an awesome competitive platformer/sports game made by brother team Richard and Markus Terrell.

BaraBariBall is an awesome competitive platformer/sports game made by brother team Richard and Markus Terrell.  The game can be played with 2-4 players and has a three different characters to choose from with special techniques and play styles.  The object of the match is to score the most points by dunking the ball into the opposing team’s goal.  The craziest thing about BaraBariBall is the fact that you can almost fly – you can jump numerous times in the air – landing recharges these jumps.  The number of jumps remaining contributes to the knockback and hitstun dealt when attacks connect with an opponent.  Running out of jumps is a crucial mistake in this game.  Falling (or being knocked) into the water results in losing a point.  This makes the game as much about scoring a goal as it is about pummeling the opposing team and spiking them into the water.

BaraBariBall offers an incredibly fun and fine-tuned competitive experience.  There is a lot of variety and depth to the game.  The characters to choose from range from the big and slow bruiser to the agile but weak speedster. The game also boasts a ton of different arenas whose layout really changes the approach and tactics of each match.  BaraBariBall’s minimal color-palette and blocky graphics give it a unique look, but more importantly the game is immensely fun to play. Smacking opponents across the stage and using your last jump to avoid death and grab a ledge is incredibly satisfying.  Matches are exhilarating and since games are only to 3 (head-to-head) or 5 points (2v2), there’s always a chance for a comeback.

BaraBariBall is scheduled to be released on PSN later this year as part of the SportsFriends pack of games.  Check out the game’s official websitehere or check out Richard’s Blog, Critical Gaming.

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