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Enter the Bizarre and Disjointed World of Unnecessary Sentience

Unnecessary Sentience is an eerie, whimsy point-and-click adventure game, made by Joe Richardson – artist, animator, experimental musician, and writer.

is an eerie, whimsy point-and-click adventure game, made by Joe Richardson – artist, animator, experimental musician, and writer. Richardson decided to combine his talents and make a video game, which he launched a Kickstarter for on August 1st (visit the campaign page here).

Though the Kickstarter doesn’t disclose much information as to what Unnecessary Sentience is about, it’s bizarre, cut-out-pasted-together, disjointed visuals, may be just enough to attract attention. Richardson is only asking for £1,000, which is a considerably low-risk value to offer. And there is evidence of potential for Richardson to go on and make something unique and memorable. You can get the game by donating only £5 (which roughly translates to $8).

In the past few months he’s released two small point-and-click adventures games. The Long Rain , loosely based of Ray Bradbury’s story of the same title (which is available free for PC here), and short/demo of Unnecessary Sentience (4th place in the recent Newgrounds 2030 Jam).

Richardson explains that the puzzles in Unnecessary Sentience will be challenging-yet-logical, whilst being stylistically unique. And though The Long Rain and the game jam created version of Unnecessary Sentience are available to play now, Richardson claims that it doesn’t mean this Kickstarter funded game will follow those premises.

Richardson is a multi-talented individual with an eccentric view on all platforms he works on, and it doesn’t hurt to give a little support. Be sure to visit his websiteand see all his wonderful, strange, and crude art and other creations.

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