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The Tale of Tale of Tales Comes to a Close After 12 Years

Over the last year, Tale of Tales has been hard at work on their latest release, Sunset .

. After a successful Kickstartercampaign in 2014 in which the project was funded in less than 42 hours, Sunset was released on May 21 through multiple storefronts. Rather than the flurry of activity expected after the initial response, however,  disappointing sales figures have caused MichaĆ«l Samyn & Auriea Harvey to decide that the best course of action for them may be to put their team’s creative focus elsewhere.

In a blog postthis weekend, Samyn and Harvey lightly referenced their recent struggles as “a story about the liberating and energizing effects of complete commercial failure.” In the month that Sunset has been available on Steamand itch.io, it has posted disappointing sales figures: only 4,000 copies have been sold, total, including those which were sent to backers following the Kickstarter. In a bid to increase that number, Tale of Tales offered Sunset for $9.99 during the Steam Summer Sale, which is a discount of 50%, though the total sales figure announced yesterday includes those brought in by said sale. The debt incurred through the production of the game, as well as the money spent on marketing (this is apparently the first project for which a PR firm was used), combined to create a situation in which Samyn and Harvey feel as though their efforts would be better spent in pursuit of other creative ventures.

Fans who wish to continue to support Tale of Tales can find details in the relevant blog post, where comments can also be left. Read IGM’s review of Sunset here.

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