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Get up to 85% off the Witcher series

The best monster slaying series on PC is up to 85% off at GOG.com until June 1.

until June 1. And wouldn't you know it, The Witcher 3's second expansion, Blood and Wine, releases May 31—rather convenient for the thrifty witcher.

As you'd expect, the biggest discounts are on the back catalogue. The Witcher 1 and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings get the full 85% discount. So does The Witcher Adventure Game, the digital adaptation of The Witcher Board Game.

The Witcher 3has a smaller but substantial 50% markdown. If you're binging, The Witcher 3 and its expansions together get 33% off. And finally, if you just want a good deal on either expansion, Hearts of Stoneand Blood and Wine can be bought separately at 10% below RRP. I'll let you penny-pinchers in on a secret though—Blood and Wine is actually 10p cheaper on Steam.

Own up, then: who cast Axii on CDPR?

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