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Li’l Smasher Brings Destructive Joy to iOS Devices

Does the prospect of breaking various objects into tiny little smithereens fill you with an unholy glee?

Then you’re going to want to meet Gary.

Gary is the titular Li’l Smasher . This fuzzy red gremlin lives to destroy priceless objects. So when he finds himself in the aptly-named Museum of Priceless Stuff, it’s like a dream come true.

Unfortunately, many of these delicate valuables are protected by puzzles of varying difficulty, and Gary isn’t very smart. To his advantage, though, he has you to guide him. Armed only with a laser-sighted slingshot, you and Gary must find the solution to each puzzle, break the precious object it guards, and move forward.

With 21 levels rendered in brilliant 3D graphics, Li’l Smasher makes physics fun. Experiment with angles, utilize the forces of gravity and motion, and find a way to destroy every last treasure in the museum. No mess to clean up either!

Developer MooseMouse LLC, the solo-dev studio made up of Shawn McInerney and backed by Publisher BulkyPix, is proud to announce the release of Li’l Smasher for iOS devices. Free to play, you can download it from the Apple App Store. They promise more levels in future releases, so be sure to keep tabs on their Facebook pageand Twitter accountfor updates and special surprises.

Editor’s Note: We originally attributed the development of the game to BulkyPix, but they are in fact the game’s publisher. Li’l Smasher is developed by MooseMouse Games LLC.

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