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Don’t Starve’s’ Autonomic Update

‘Don’t Starve’s’ Autonomic Update
Klei Entertainment have released an update for their game, Don’t Starve , still strongly continuing down their oh-so successful self-progressed path of sadism and science.

, still strongly continuing down their oh-so successful self-progressed path of sadism and science. For those of you that are currently unaware of this title, Don’t Starve is a game that challenges the player to survive through the necessity to both eat and contain yourself by a fire which seems an easy prospect, but it does truly feel like Klei Entertainment really does want you to die while you play the game.

The update is titled “Spoiled Rotten”, and what a treat they’ve produced for us. But of course, where must all science lead but to the development of electronics? With the introduction of a new character, WX-78 (a robot, incase the name wasn’t enough of an intimation for you), players must now take further responsibilities into account such as the fact that everything still hates you and wants you to die, except more so while playing as a robot, which is simply lovely.

Fortunately our new friend WX-78 cannot be at all harmed by eating foods barely passable by the standards of even a college student. However, food will eventually deteriorate and spoil nonetheless, meaning that the only remaining uses are that of fertilizer, or to burn entirely. In a twist that seems common to the updates of Don’t Starve , there is a further addition to combat this disadvantage: players are now able to craft a refrigerator to lengthen the life-span of any and all foods, which will certainly make your safe-haven slightly more cozy. Metaphorically speaking of course, it is a fridge, after all.

Aside from a few of the main updates as mentioned, there is more, including the additions of various other items and mechanics to make the game even more interesting than has already been achieved. I am personally quite obsessive about the food I eat anyway, so to introduce restrictions and guidelines as to the food you eat seems like a rather wise idea.

You can read further about the game on Klei’s official site.

Or, if you would like to ask them any questions regarding their game or anything, why not contact them on Twitter.

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