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PC Gamer UK January issue: Overwatch

You find us in an energetic mood at PCG Towers.


You find us in an energetic mood at PCG Towers. Why? Partly because we've spent the last week mainlining non-specific energy drinks in an attempt to fill the website with a Christmas-break's worth of juicy content. Also, it's because we're still fired up from our official Game of the Year argumentdiscussion. To properly visualise this vibrant state of mind, we've put a high-kicking cartoon lady on our cover—courtesy of Overwatch.

Yes, this month its our Best Games of 2014 issue. Maybe you'll agree, maybe you won't, and maybe you'll think "that's all very well and good, but what else is in this month's magazine?"

How about some free DLC? This month, we're giving away Alien Isolation's Corporate Lockdown add-on , worth over £5 out in the wild. The issue, which is in shops now, can be ordered through My Favourite Magazines. Digitally, you'll find it on the App Store, Google Play, and Zinio, and you can subscribeto get issues delivered directly to your door. Read on for a look at the subs cover, and a round-up of the features to be found in issue 274.


This month we...

Go hands-on with Blizzard's FPS to explore their first new universe for 17 years. Meet Creative Assembly for a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the game. Have a big argument, settle down and then calmly decide the PCG Game of 2014. Give our picks for the 20 best total conversion mods of all time. Preview Dying Light, Skyforge, else Heart.Break(), Armored Warfare, Galak-Z and Chroma Squad. Review Far Cry 4, This War of Mine, Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition, Football Manager 2015, Farming Simulator 15, Assassin's Creed Unity, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Lords of the Fallen, Valkyria Chronicles, World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, CoH2: Ardennes Assault, Crusader Kings 2: Charlemagne and Warlock 2: Wrath of the Nagas. Round up the best monitors you can buy right now. Return to Titanfall to see if anyone's still around. Reinstall Gears of War for a fresh look at the chunky cover shooter.

And more besides. Until next month!

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