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Pre-Order the Super Silly Heroics of Supreme League of Patriots

Was anyone out there a fan of the ridiculously fun show Who Wants to Be a Superhero?

that aired for a couple of seasons? You might remember it featured the immortal Stan Lee, who tried to choose from a bunch of random oddballs to find the next star of a comic book. It was silly, clever, and one of the few shows I actually made an effort to watch regularly.

This game is what we might have gotten if that show had gone even farther off the deep end than it already did.

Supreme League of Patriots is the latest story-driven offering from Phoenix Online Publishing. They’ve teamed up with British developer No Bull Intentionsto have fun with sly pokes at reality television, pop culture, and political posturing. Kyle Keever is a mild-mannered everydude who wants to be on the latest and greatest reality show, America’s Got Superpowers . He takes on the alter ego of the Purple Patriot, an Uncle Sam-ish figure with a sarcastic sidekick called Mel. But as is the case in so many comic book origin stories, a freak accident causes Kyle to develop the Purple Patriot’s powers for real.

He’s not the hero that New York deserves. He’s definitely not the hero that New York wants. But he’s the hero that New York is going to get, whether they like it or not.

Over the course of three fully voice-acted episodes, the Purple Patriot and Mel must navigate New York’s seedy vigilante underbelly. A wild, colorful cast of characters awaits discovery as players make friends, declare enemies, and figure out the difference between them. The adventure ranges all over the city that never sleeps, from the grunge of the sewers to the bright lights of Broadway, accompanied by an original soundtrack composed by Jake “Virt” Kaufman. Both Kyle and Mel are playable, and a tiered hint system allows you to adjust the game’s challenge level as you “fight for something resembling justice!”

“I’m a huge fan of classic point-and-click adventures. I wanted to take that classic gameplay and fuse it with the satirical, subversive humor you expect from Family Guy or South Park, and the high production values you associate with modern adventures,” says creative director Philip Ings. “The Purple Patriot is such a thoroughly obnoxious, yet hopelessly inept, character. I can’t wait to see how people react to him.”

Supreme League of Patriots will be available for PC, Mac, and Linux gamers beginning on January 29th. Each episode can be purchased individually for $5.99 USD; however, interested gamers can currently pre-order a full ‘season pass’for $14.99 USD, a 10% savings. Keep up with the latest from Phoenix Online on their Facebook, Twitter, and YouTubeaccounts.

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