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Arkham Knight Season of Infamy descends

Nothing will stop the tide of content, not even performance issues and the abandonment of SLI support .

. Provided that Warner Bros' many rounds of fixeshave knocked your copy of Batman: Arkham Knightinto playable shape, its December DLC, Season of Infamy: Most Wanted, might appeal. It's available to buy now, and included in the Arkham Knight season pass.

Season of Infamy introduces four new storylines featuring iconic Batman villains: Ra’s Al Ghul, Mr. Freeze, Killer Croc, and the Mad Hatter. The latter mission features heavily in the trailer and is by far the most interesting to me: the hallucinatory Scarecrow segments of Arkham Asylum were among its most memorable, and it's clear Rocksteady is hoping to recapture the same trippy horror. Mr. Freeze is a compelling returning character, being about the only Batman villain to sometimes behave like a human. I can only hope these missions are more substantial than the lacklustre Harley Quinn pre-order bonus.

Joining this identity parade are a handful of new skins for Bats and his ride and the fifth Crime Fighter Challenge Pack, which focuses on Freeflow Combat and Invisible Predator training. Happy crime-fighting.

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