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Zed Defence – Keep the Horde Back!

FingerPunch Games recently started the Kickstarter campaign for their game, Zed Defence .

. The game also received unanimous acclaim and a large amount of feedback from the Welsh Developer community and the recent Wales Game Dev Show 2014.

Zed Defence is a fast-paced, action/adventure that tasks players with repelling a Zed invasion using a wide variety of powerful traps. The player must either destroy the zombie horde, or keep them at bay long enough for a cleaning operation to detoxify the water and end the horde’s existence.

Each map has a varied number of entrances that will spawn zombies at different times. The player must build traps using scrap metal gained from killing Zeds, and will need to anticipate the path that the zombies will take throughout the level.

FingerPunch Games hopes that the support of the Kickstarter campaign will allow them to develop an improved enemy AI, a scoring system, and multiple modes besides the main Campaign mode, such as Wave mode, Endurance, and Challenge mode. The game is scheduled to be released in January 2015 for PC, Mac, and Linux platforms and is up for voting on Steam Greenlight. Gamers can learn more by visiting the website.

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