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Aby Escape’ Gets Into The Holiday Spirit

‘Aby Escape’ Gets Into The Holiday Spirit
It seems that Spanish developers Pixel Ratio and our old friends BulkyPix have a present for us this Christmas.

have a present for us this Christmas. After its release earlier this year, Aby Escape has become a hit on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, averaging an amazing 4.5/5 stars after almost 7000 ratings. Well, now this free to play game is getting in the holiday spirit in the form of Christmas-themed content patch.

During a relaxing vacation up in the mountains, poor Aby’s fun is ruined by the mischief of a group of bogus Santas out to spoil things for everyone. Without a moment’s hesitation, Aby jumps on his trusty sled and hurtles down the wintery slope in an attempt to escape.

The update introduces a sleighful of new content, (I’m truly sorry for that joke), including a new snowy-themed level in Unlimited mode in which you progress by dodging obstacles, fend off enemies with barrages of snowballs, and even outrun a devastating avalanche.

To get your hands on this festive update, just make your way over to the Aby Escape page on either the Apple App Storeor the Google Play Storeand install the latest update.

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