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Trailer: ‘Skipping Stones’ – A Musical Indie

There’s not too much information on Skipping Stones , but after viewing the trailer and reading the premise of the game, we had to cover it.

Skipping Stones is a generative music/poetry game for iOS, Android, PC, Mac, and Linux where players throw stones onto a lake and listen as each skip plays back a musical note. As you progress players will notice that the soundscape changes with the time of day, and “poetry reveals itself laying out a non-linear narrative about loss and struggle in the face of tragedy.”

The game is currently an experiment by KO-OP Mode from Montreal, Quebec. The project was inspired by an unexpected loss which caused emotional trauma and thus the problems that came with it. It looks very interesting and is a piece that intrigues me for which the concept was derived from. At the very least, it looks like a relaxing beautiful little game! Check out the official websitewhere you can find the development blog and links to all the various social networking sites to keep up to date on the game.

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