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Indie Intermission – ‘Zombie Grinder’ A Lovingly Created Zombie Arcade Shooter

The game I have found for today is Zombie Grinder by Twin Drills , a rather great multiplayer arcade zombie game with some awesome ideas .

. Zombie Grinder is an interesting online game in which you must battle the hordes of the undead in order to level up, whilst trying to reach new heights in the leaderboards.

The amount of variety in Zombie Grinder is truly great and one of the games strengths, as you are able to play across a wide selection of maps and gametypes that all add in a lot of potential hours of gameplay.

Zombie Grinder does have some really nice visuals and controls overall very well via keyboard, even if I was unable to get the gamepad working I didn’t find it actually impacted the game negatively in anyway.

Average play time – 30 minutes

Although Zombie Grinder is still very much a work in progress the game plays almost flawlessly with only a few errors popping up now and then that overall do not detract from the experience.

If you like arcade shooters with zombies Zombie Grinder should serve you well. To find out more about the game head to the Twin Drills site, and if you would like to download the game head to Desura now.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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