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A Mirror's Edge television show is in the works

Mirror's Edge Catalyst will be bouncing onto PCs and consoles early next month, after which Faith's next stop seems to be her own TV show.

will be bouncing onto PCs and consoles early next month, after which Faith's next stop seems to be her own TV show. A Deadlinereport says Endemol Shine Studios, the “scripted division” of Endemol Shine North America, home of such fine fare as Big Brother, The Biggest Loser, and MasterChef Junior, has acquired the rights to adapt the property into a “female-centered action series.”

“We clearly see Mirror’s Edge as a franchise for the global TV audience,” Endemol Shine Studios President Sharon Hall said. “It has a strong female protagonist, a wildly rabid fan base and a worldwide brand that Electronic Arts and EA DICE have done an amazing job establishing.”

Statements from involved parties in the early stages of creative projects generally veer towards the hyperbolic, but even bearing that in mind I'm not sure that describing Mirror's Edge fans as “wildly rabid” is really the sweetspot in terms of PR mots justes. The game was more of a cult classic than a smash hit, and while there are plenty of people dearly hoping that Mirror's Edge Catalyst will be a satisfying sequel, it's not like we're talking about the Call of Duty crowd here.

Nonetheless, at least the reception isn't like to be worse than the one the Warcraft movieis receiving, right? Right?

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