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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel mod enables third-person camera view

I've never been a big fan of the third-person perspective in shooters.

I've never been a big fan of the third-person perspective in shooters. I can tolerate it for particularly good games, like Max Payneor Spec Ops: The Line, but all in all I'll take the first-person perspective any day of the week. But if you're a third-person aficionado who wishes Borderlands: The Pre-Sequelcould be enjoyed from an over-the-shoulder view, this mod will be right up your alley.

Developed by YouTube user TFXLive, the mod enables an over-the-shoulder camera in Gearbox's latest Borderlands game. TFXLive made a third-person mod for Borderlands 2 a couple years agobut it required the separate Cheat Enginesoftware to operate, whereas this one is entirely stand-alone and works on all versions of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

It's also quite easy to use: Just download and unzip the file, fire up Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, alt-tab out of it, run the mod executable (as an admin), then alt-tab back into the game and press F5 twice to activate. At that point, assuming you hear the "beep," the F5 key will switch between first and third-person perspectives; if you're comfortable horsing around with .INI files, you can also change your character's on-screen alignment to be more centered in the third-person view.

The mod automatically switches from third-person view to iron sights or scope when appropriate, and of course it allows you to really enjoy all those character skins and heads you pick up during the game. Based on the gameplay trailer, it seems to work quite well, and looks pretty good, too. Want it? Get it at YouTube.

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