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Leap Motion joins hands with Epic to offer official UE4 plugin

Newsbrief: There's an official Unreal Engine 4 plugin for the Leap Motion gesture controller out this week that developers can access via the Unreal Engine 4.7 source code repository on GitHub.

While Unreal developers have been experimenting with the Leap Motion since its release (an unofficial UE4 Leap Motion pluginhas existed for months), collaborating with Epic to bring official support for the controller to UE4 is a notable step forward for the folks at Leap Motion.

To promote how the controller might be used in a typical UE4 game, Leap Motion has been showcasing footage (embedded above) of Cherry Pie Games' Hollow, a Sleepy Hollow-inspired ghostly hayride sim that was entered in Leap Motion's 3D game jamlast October.

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